Making a personal declaration of independence- “I am ready to shift” Transformation starts with a clear and concise decision to make changes within your current personal environment. Close your eyes, go within and make a simple decision to make a change in your life.
This commitment to yourself will keep you on your path to self fulfillment. Bring awareness to how that statement made you feel, was there excitement or resistance? Exploring and understanding why you want to make this change will bring clarity and understanding of your purpose while inspiring and motivating you towards the dynamic shift.
Create a decision proclamation indicating what you have decided to take action toward. This statement is not necessarily a measured goal but a proclamation of something you are ready to embark on, who you are, your purpose or an inspiring attribute.
This acknowledgement will encourage you to continue on this path when you experience resistance or obstacles arise. Read your statement out loud to yourself and bring awareness to how you feel. Does it inspire you, give you energy?
If you feel a block use this statement during your breath work to focus where the block is stemming from. Your decision of proclamation statement may change over time or even by the end of this exercise to align more perfectly as you become more self aware bringing more clarity.
Ask yourself:
- Why is it important – give you clarity, purpose, inspiration and motivation. When you are not fully committed it’s much easier to avoid the path when obstacles or challenges arise.
- Your decision is a proclamation. So what are you deciding to do? Don’t make it a goal, it doesn’t need to be measured. A decision about making a change, being assertive, tapping in to new possibilities, unlimited potential. Some examples:
- My life purpose is to ____
- I am fully committed to ______
- I am doing this and not giving up
- I am an amazing _______ with _______ and ______
- I am successful at ________
- I am an inspiring ______ that can _____
- I have many incredible and loving relationships in my life
Everyone will have a different decision proclamation, and you can change it over time or even at the end of this exercise to align perfectly. When you read it out loud it should inspire you and give you energy. If you feel a block when reading it out load or to someone else you can focus on this feeling in meditation or breathwork to see if there is something there.