Benedicte Siva

Bénédicte Here! Enchantée.

When you look back, you start linking the dots and your challenges make sense!

I started to use my breath consciously 9 years ago, when I became a mum, not really understanding the transformative power it would have on my life.

Corporate high-flyer over 20 years, jet setting around Europe, diagnosed with a pelvic organ prolapse after my first child, trying to navigate motherhood, my symptoms, I was in my hamster wheel and in a high state of stress. I needed a tool to manage my emotions when I was triggered and calm myself down quickly. Breathing consciously, a couple of breaths when challenges arise, did miracles.

I was amazed by the simplicity and practicality of it.

Having increased my resilience to stress, simply by breathing 5 minutes a day over the course of a year, and understanding breath as a mind-body technique, I decided to dive deeper into the world of breathwork for me and then to bring this magical tool to my clients.

Breathwork has been transformational for me, physically, mentally and emotionally.

It helps me to release so much physical tension, many emotions stuck in my body, break free of my limited beliefs or heal some core wounds. I feel lighter now, fully connected to my body. My prolapse grade has improved since then, having now few symptomatic days.

I am so passionate about sharing this simple though powerful tool with the world!

Breathwork will empower you and support you in your self-discovery journey. Breathwork is the modality that has really moved the needle for me in my personal health journey & self-actualisation.

I love connecting with people, especially on an intercultural level. I have lived in 6 European countries, and gave birth to my 3 children in 3 different countries. I speak French, German and English, love cooking for my family and community, and am eager to keep teaching my clients and kids breathing techniques to bring the body and mind into coherence.

I am a Certified Medicine Health Coach, Elemental Rhythm Breathwork Facilitator & Level 2 Breathwork Integration Coach.