Dan Andronescu

“My mission is to inspire and empower you to remember and cultivate PRESENCE, as the foundation of BEing and BEcoming. To remember how to command the life force through the body, breath and mind, to remember that you are the Observer and Creator of the State of Being you choose to reside in.”Dan is a self-development and integration guide and founder Omni Being Ascension. As a breath work integration coach he is passionate about guiding breathwork experiences, teaching functional breathing as well as advanced breath retention for longevity, vitality, mental clarity, and deeper self-connection and self-remembrance.

Being one of the first Elemental Rhythm facilitator and team member, Dan has led hundreds of classes and journeys, in group, 1on1, corporate, festival and retreat settings, and supported to train 80+ ERBE breathwork facilitators. As a yoga aspirant and teacher he has been studying the breath since 2012 through Krya and Hatha yoga.
On a former path Dan used to work as a nano-materials and pipeline engineer.

Experiencing burnout from a high stress environment coupled with other life challenges, he endured through the symptoms of panic, anxiety and depression. During one of his first yoga classes in 2012, he experienced an outer-body non-ordinary state of consciousness through a guided relaxation and breath control exercise. This experience profoundly activated him on a path of deep Self exploration and discipline which enabled him to come back to harmony and find his inner purpose. He left the engineering field in 2017 to travel around the world in pursuit of Self study through Krya and Hatha Yoga, breathwork, primal movement and apprenticing with plant medicine.

As a self-development coach and founder of omniBEing Ascension, he is dedicated to inspiring and empowering growth and purpose driven individuals to overcome stress, fatigue and burnout and achieve a life of vitality, presence and freedom. He advocates for self-love and self-care, self-exploration and self-integration as the path of expansion and self-actualization.

Additionally, he is also in service as a Natural Movement (MovNat) coach and instructor, men’s circle and retreat facilitator, entheogen integration guide, and yoga teacher.

He welcomes the opportunity to serve all those who are ready to activate themselves and remember the breath as the number one tool to navigate the past, anchor the present and create the future.