Integrity is at the heart of our practice. As facilitators, we uphold a strict code of ethics to ensure every session is conducted with the utmost respect, professionalism, and care. Dive into the guidelines that safeguard both facilitators and clients, ensuring a safe and nurturing environment for all.
Standards of Practice
Inclusivity/Non -Judgement – We shall not discriminate participants in any way shape or form included but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age or appearance.
Safety – As a facilitator/coach you are responsible for creating a safe environment for both yourself and the client. Safety is considered physical (space and prep), mental and emotional.
Consent – We have a few very specific areas of consent within our training in regards to scents, touch, media capture and sharing (photo/video) which must be adhered to at all times. In addition to those listed if anything else ever arises it is imperative that you act on the side of caution and when in doubt always ask the client first if it is ok and they feel comfortable. Individual consent is also important to avoid group pressure to not go against everyone in the group or feel like they stand out.
Advice – All facilitators shall refrain from giving advice as to what someone should or shouldn’t do. We can share personal experiences of what has worked for us or we have seen work for other clients. We can make recommendations for clients as to different things they can try but ultimately it should be up to them to decide what path they will take. Each client has the potential within themselves to make their own decisions and decide what is best for them and have their own realizations.
Humility – As a facilitator and coach it is important to be humble. We are not better than anyone nor are they better than us. Everyone is different. Meet people where they are at and share your gifts with an open heart and clear intention to support and serve people.
Assertiveness – If someone is not a good fit, disruptive or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, you do not need to take them on as a client, continue working with them or even have them complete a session or class. You need to be able to make the call when someone is imposing on your boundaries.
Respecting boundaries / Expectations – This includes both your own and the clients boundaries. It should be made clear before any session or class what your role is, what you are there to do and how you will do it. It is also important to set boundaries for your client. How will you interact and communicate within a session and outside of your sessions? Make sure you both feel comfortable with all agreements and arrangements that are made.
Confidentiality – Anything anyone shares with you even in public in a sharing circle shall be kept confidential unless you are given permission to share it with others. To use a share or example as a case study, it is imperative to protect the person’s identity at all cost and only share the circumstance and outcome of a situation.
Understand your role as a Breathwork Coach / Facilitator.
Each facilitator needs to clearly recognize their level of training and competency. Under no circumstances do you misrepresent yourself as any profession other than this training (unless specifically trained in modality and clearly identifying use of other qualified designation or training). If there is something you don’t know, or are unsure of, do not guess or make assumptions or make something up. It’s ok not to know and we never want to mislead anyone. Integrity and honesty are key pillars in our code of ethics.
Practitioner Client Relationship
It is imperative for each facilitator to establish and maintain healthy, appropriate and professional boundaries, respecting the rights and dignity of those they serve.
Each Elemental Rhythm Facilitator/Coach shall at all times refrain from using their influence to exploit or inappropriately exercise power over their clients.
Elemental Rhythm Facilitators will refrain from using this breathwork practice to promote or influence any personal religious or spiritual beliefs.
Elemental Rhythm Facilitators will refrain from all forms of sexual behavior or harassment with clients even when client initiates or invites such behavior.
Facilitator Community Relationships
All Elemental Rhythm Facilitators will maintain and nurture healthy relationships to all other facilitators. We will support and encourage collaboration over competition and an abundance mindset. We are here to serve and help as many people as possibly without overstepping our personal boundaries.
We will give constructive feedback to other facilitators who we believe have failed to follow one or more of the ethical principles. If this does not sufficiently resolve the issue, we will communicate with the Elemental Rhythm Management team for further action.
We will not publicly or privately criticize or slander our fellow facilitators in any way shape or form.
Resources Beyond Your Scope
Have a full extensive resource list of practitioners/therapists should your client require mediation for health concerns outside of your scope as a Breathwork Coach/Facilitator.
These can include but not limited to:
Therapists, Phsychotherapists, Life Coaches, Help Lines (Suicide), Counsellors (sex abuse, drug abuse, any form of addiction)
Requesting assistance from mentors or making referrals when necessary.
Level 2 Coaches/Facilitators (includes all of the above)
Coaches are required to make a clear coaching agreement prior to initial coaching sessions.
Explain to your client the nature of Breathwork Coaching and what they can expect while working with you. We cover this extensively in the level 2 training.
Encourage clients to take full responsibility for their healing process. Create a plan of action for the program you are working with. Reassess continuously as their needs change through their expansion. Confirm with clients prior to sessions how they wish to proceed and be clear on the plan of action for each session. Placing clients in the seat of empowerment while advocating for self awareness.
Respect confidentiality of clients. Do not share or release any information regarding client and sessions unless required by law or clients may be in harm of endangering themselves or others.
Always continue to develop your professional skills as a practitioner in realms that compliment your services.
Be clear on your intention with each client confirming you as a practitioner have no agenda that will affect their progress.
Always maintain a clear professional relationship and do not cross any boundary that may be deemed inappropriate in any manner.
Be open and honest about the services being offered without embellishment or making any promises of an outcome that may not be reasonably attained.
As coaches we always listen, summarize and reflect. We do not tell the client what they are thinking or feeling. Allow clients to rephrase as many times as necessary until clarity has been achieved. Giving space for self reflection and opportunity to go deeper to obtain more clarity.
Code of Conduct Agreements
Welcome all that may arise within you and allow what shows up, giving space.
Be mindful and treat all participants with dignity.
Respect all participants as sacred human beings through a non judgemental lens.
Confidentiality: under no circumstance do we discuss, share or attempt to interpret another participant’s experience.
By completing this course I agree to uphold all of the above ethics and standards set forth by Elemental Rhythm and acknowledge that my failure to do so may result in loss of certification and breach of any contractual agreements made with Elemental Rhtyhm at their sole discretion.
Uphold the highest standards in breathwork.