Somatic Breathwork: Discovering its Healing Powers

Stress, anxiety, and trauma can manifest in the body, leaving us feeling tense and disconnected from ourselves. Somatic breathwork is a powerful healing modality that can help us release emotional and physical tension stored in the body, allowing us to access a greater sense of well-being and connection within ourselves.

Somatic breathing, also known as diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing, is a technique that involves deep and intentional breathing to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and increase overall well-being.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of somatic breathwork, what it is, who should try it, how to try breathwork, and why it’s beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a live breathwork class here.

What is Somatic Breathwork?

Somatic breathwork is a therapeutic practice that uses conscious breathing to help individuals release emotional and physical tension stored in the body. It is based on the idea that emotional experiences and traumas are stored in the body, and that by focusing on the breath, we can access and release these stored tensions.

During a session, a facilitator guides the individual through a series of somatic breathing exercises that may involve deep, rhythmic breathing, holding the breath, and various types of breathing patterns. The individual is encouraged to focus on their physical sensations and emotions as they breathe, allowing any feelings or sensations to arise and be expressed.

The Benefits of Somatic Breathwork

Somatic breathing can offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their overall health and well-being. Here are just a few of the benefits that somatic breathwork can provide:

1. Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Somatic breathwork can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety. When we experience stress or anxiety, our bodies respond with tension and discomfort. Somatic breathing helps us release this tension, allowing us to relax and feel more at ease. By focusing on the breath, we can calm the nervous system, reduce stress hormones, and increase feelings of relaxation and peace.

2. Heal Trauma

Trauma can leave a lasting imprint on the body, causing us to feel disconnected and out of touch with ourselves. Somatic breathwork can help us access and release these stored traumas, allowing us to process and heal from past experiences. By connecting with our breath and physical sensations, we can begin to integrate and heal from past traumas, leading to greater feelings of well-being and connection within ourselves.

3. Increase Mind-Body Connection

Somatic breathing can help us cultivate a deeper sense of connection between our minds and bodies. By focusing on our physical sensations and emotions, we can learn to tune into our bodies’ signals and respond to them in a more compassionate and intentional way. This increased mind-body connection can help us feel more grounded and present in our daily lives, leading to greater feelings of overall well-being.

4. Improve Mental Clarity and Focus

Somatic breathwork can be a powerful tool for improving mental clarity and focus. By focusing on the breath, we can calm the mind and reduce mental chatter, allowing us to access greater clarity and focus. This increased mental clarity can help us make better decisions, improve our productivity, and feel more centred and focused in our daily lives.

Ready to see the benefits? Sign up for a live breathwork class here.

Who Should Try Somatic Breathwork?

Somatic breathwork can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. It can be particularly helpful for individuals experiencing stress, anxiety, trauma, or feeling disconnected from their bodies. It can also be useful for individuals looking to deepen their spiritual practice, improve their mental clarity and focus, or increase their overall sense of connection and well-being.

Why You Should Try Somatic Breathwork

Somatic breathing is a powerful healing modality that can offer a range of benefits for individuals looking to improve their overall health and well-being. By connecting with our breath and physical sensations, we can release emotional and physical tension stored in the body, allowing us to access greater feelings of relaxation, peace, and well-being. It can also help us deepen our mind-body connection, improve mental clarity and focus, and heal from past traumas.

One of the great things about somatic breathwork is that it is accessible to anyone, regardless of age or fitness level. All that’s required is a willingness to connect with your breath and physical sensations. Somatic breathing can be practiced alone or with a facilitator, and sessions can be tailored to meet your individual needs and goals.

Techniques for Trying Somatic Breathwork at Home

You can try somatic breathing at home using these simple steps:

  1. Find a comfortable position: Sit or lie down in a relaxed position. You can choose to keep your eyes open or closed, depending on what feels most comfortable for you.
  2. Relax your body: Take a moment to consciously release any tension in your body. Let your shoulders drop, unclench your jaw, and allow your muscles to relax.
  3. Place your hands on your abdomen: Gently rest your hands on your belly, just below your ribcage. This will help you focus your attention on your breath and feel the movement of your diaphragm.
  4. Take a slow, deep breath in: Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing the air to fill your abdomen. Focus on expanding your belly as you breathe in, feeling your hands rise with the movement.
  5. Exhale slowly through your mouth: Slowly exhale through your mouth, allowing your abdomen to contract and your hands to fall gently. Focus on the sensation of releasing the air and any tension or stress with it.
  6. Continue breathing deeply: Repeat steps 4 and 5, taking slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you practice, try to make your inhalations and exhalations smooth and even, without any strain or force.
  7. Maintain a relaxed rhythm: Find a rhythm of breathing that feels natural to you. You can experiment with different lengths of inhalations and exhalations, but the key is to maintain a relaxed and steady pace.
  8. Focus on your breath: As you continue breathing deeply, bring your attention to the sensation of your breath. Notice the rise and fall of your abdomen, the feeling of the air entering and leaving your body, and any other physical sensations that arise.
  9. Let go of distractions: If your mind wanders or you become aware of any distracting thoughts, gently bring your focus back to your breath. Don’t judge yourself for getting distracted; it’s normal. Simply acknowledge the thought and return your attention to your breath.
  10. Practice regularly: Somatic breathing is most effective when practiced regularly. Aim to incorporate it into your daily routine, whether it’s for a few minutes in the morning or before bed, or during times of stress throughout the day.

Finding a Class or Facilitator to Guide you in your Somatic Breathwork Practice

If you’re interested in experiencing the full benefits of somatic breathwork, it’s important to find a qualified facilitator who can guide you through the process safely and effectively.

Look for someone who has experience working with individuals who have experienced trauma or have specific health conditions. You may want to consider attending our live weekly breathwork classes, where you can connect with others and share in the healing experience.

You can also start by taking online breathwork courses and begin your practice at home if you can’t find a live course near you.

Remember, somatic breathing is a simple yet powerful technique that can help you relax and find calmness in the present moment. With consistent practice, it can become a valuable tool in managing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Whether you’re looking to reduce stress and anxiety, heal from past traumas, deepen your spiritual practice, or improve mental clarity and focus, somatic breathwork is worth considering. So take a deep breath, and give it a try.

Courses to try:

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